
XBox + Nintendo vs. Ps3?

In a rather odd bit of news, Microsoft seems to be suggesting that people should buy Nintendo's Wii console.
Nope, not a typo. Peter Moore, a vice president for Microsoft, said in a recent interview, "Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3?" He went on to explain, "People are going to buy two [consoles]. They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii ... for the price of one PS3."
It seems that Microsoft is doing everything in their power to gain market share from Sony in the battle for next-gen console supremacy, including promoting a rival product.
Nintendo seems content to just sit back in their niche market and let the two giants fight it out alone.


Gates on the PS3 Motion Controller

"There's room for innovation here, but moving that controller around -- it's something that's not mainstream for most games," he said. He recalled a Microsoft-made controller from several years ago that allowed 3-D movement. "It's tough because sometimes you move the controller, and you don't [mean] to fly into the ground. You just want to put the controller down," he said. "People aren't that good at totally standing still. Even pilots actually sit in a chair when they do their flying. So there's a lot to be learned about these controllers."
Gizmodo talks about this quote made by Gates to MTV as though he was speaking of the Wiimote but other sites put it in the context of the PS3. The war rages on...


New Super Mario DS Review

Mario is back and he's better than ever. Mario and friends are back in the first true sequel to the Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario World series. Mario 64 came along but was a third person game and very different from the original game. What makes us love the Mario Bros. series so much? It's the whole package wraped into one: full of secrets, multi endings to worlds, warp zones, cool mushroom effects, funny action and all around cool worlds.
How does this game stack up? New Super Mario Bros. is everything that one may want. The game has 8 Worlds, and give or take 10 levels per world. 80 Levels baby! How cool is that? Very cool. I'm not a Super Mario Genius (kudos to James who finished the game in a few days) so the difficulty level was perfect for me.
Power ups include 2 new cool modes: Super Giant mario and Mini Mario. Both have their strengths and are nice additions to the game play. Colours a vibrant as nice as ever. The music is a cool mixture of old and new. The bosses are not too hard (thus far - as I write this I am in the middle of the game). The fun for me is trying to get all from each levels - and man is this game packed.
I don't remeber ever finishing any of the original Mario games as a younger Artoo but I have it on my list of things to do before I die and this may be the one to achieve this.
My rating is 9/10 - best DS game thus far! Run and get it.